The Value Companion, at its core, is a tool built to automate the process of collecting the financial data necessary for calculating the intrinsic value of publicly traded companies. We compare the intrinsic value to the current stock prices of each company on a nightly basis, and we deliver to our customers a list of stocks based on criterion they individually set for further evaluation.
So how does that help you? The fundamental premises of value investing is that each company has an intrinsic value that can be calculated approximately. If the current price is substantially below that intrinsic value, then the stock is worth careful evaluation. While the calculation of intrinsic value isn’t too hard, the time involved in gathering the data can be prohibitive for many people. On top of that, there are thousands of publicly traded companies on multiple exchanges in the United States. And many companies have a current price far above their intrinsic value – it can be quite frustrating to gather ten years’ worth of quarterly financial data, perform the calculations, and then find that the price of the stock is too high. Ask us; we know!
And so the idea of building a tool to automate doing all that heavy lifting was born. We created The Value Companion to automatically collect the required data, calculate the intrinsic value, and tell us if the price was sufficiently below the intrinsic value. We’ve added several additional filters that any value investors will find necessary to filter out companies that have too much risk (such as debt/equity and current ratio). Our customers get to set the filters according to their preferred risk tolerance and their areas of specialty.
Our goal is to save you time by comparing the intrinsic value of public companies to their current prices every night, and presenting a filtered list of stocks for further evaluation. If you believe in value investing, we firmly believe this site will be an indispensable tool to help you filter down the list of stocks into a small, select number that are worthy of your precious time for further investigation.
What we won’t do is tell you which stocks to buy. In fact, we won’t give you any opinions about any individual stock whatsoever. Instead, we simply provide you tools to help you find stocks that meet your criteria to quickly create a short list of stocks for your own further evaluation.
Have questions about our services or the platform? Please reach out to us and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. You can also email us directly at If you're reporting a potential issue with data or a bug, please add as much information about the issue as possible.